Carlos Davila

Diagnosed with Pituitary Adenoma in April 2024. This is a Tumor that develops in the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain. Carlos wished to share in his own words the following:  “One year ago I was helping my friend by collecting and finding items for this foundation, fast forward a year later and I'm doing the same, except this time with a little more purpose, as I myself in the past year have been diagnosed with tumors, and have been blessed by the help this foundation offers! Forever grateful and thankful to cm-mf!

Leslie  (Chip)  Andrew  Jr.

Diagnosed June 1, 2022. Chip and his wife Leslie recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and were high school sweethearts. They have 3 daughters,  adult  twins and their  youngest is  in elementary school.  Chip has been a cable technician for the same company for about  21 years. Chip   is best  described  as  a  kind  selfless  person who  is  always  been  giving.  Unfortunately, Chip lost his battle last year.  May he rest in peace.

Christopher Prue

Diagnosed with and getting treatment for about a year for melanoma.  Recently, new symptoms arose and the cancer had spread to his brain causing swelling and complications.  Now Chris has a Brain Cancer Battle in front of him. Chris’s wife and partner Gina along with their 4 young children are battling right by his side.   From Gina:  I am Chris’s partner and best friend. I want to thank you all for this crazy outpouring of support. “ No words can be said for how shocked we are to be so lucky in prayers and help financially, physically, and emotionally!  We are blown away with friends, family, and strangers alike coming to our aid.  If I have any tears left it surely out of thanks for all these kind gestures.”

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