Sponsor the Fight
of Brain Cancer

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About Our Non Profit

Together we can make a difference.

The Chad Milliken Memorial & Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a non profit that was established to honor Chad's memory and help families who are battling through a brain tumor diagnose.

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Ways to support

Scan our QR code

Scan the QR code with your phone or use the PayPal link to make a donation.

About Our Non Profit

Together we can make a difference.

The Chad Milliken Memorial & Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a non profit that was established to honor Chad's memory and help families who are battling through a brain tumor diagnose.

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Support the cause

How you can get involved

Sponsor an event

You can contribute your time, skills
and knowledge through
volunteering or sponsoring an event.

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Send donation

Your donation to our organization can help us support more individuals diagnosed with brain cancer.

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Apply for Fund

Your donation to our organization can help us offer more services to people and is a tax deduction.

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Upcoming & Past Events

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